Our News

This school year, our school will be using Seesaw, a secure online journal where our young people can document and reflect on what they are learning in class. Your child’s class teacher will add the things we work on (including photos, videos, worksheets, drawings and voice recordings) to their Seesaw journal and we can share them privately with you and other family members to view and comment on throughout the school day. This will also form their learning portfolio for us to evidence the hands on learning that your child does.
To log in to Seesaw, click on Seesaw above.
We now offer a healthy hot lunches for staff and pupils on a three week rotational menu. Our menu includes vegan and gluten free options. To view the menu click here.

"Happy hearts and happy faces, Happy play in grassy places — That was how, in ancient ages, Children grew to kings and sages."
Robert Louis Stevenson, 1913